Monthly Archives - June 2016

As the world becomes more connected, failing to get your business in line with the latest developments can prove a costly error, with many other suitors likely waiting in the wings to snap up an audience you could have had but just couldn’t reach out to. With the prevalence of tools now available right at your fingertips, it is getting progressively easier to reach international audiences. With content, language is obviously an excellent place to start. Compared to non-English speakers, [...]

At one stage, the world belonged to the baby boomers; now they increasingly have to compete with the millennials – the generation born after 1985 – that have very different ideas about how the world and the office should be run. This is a generation unwilling to be shaped to fit in, one which instead seeks to shape its surroundings. It’s a generation comfortable with change, sociable yet competitive, ambitious yet keen to work more ethically and give something [...]

Setting up a fashion brand is many people’s dream, but if you have the right skills and the right attitude, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to make a success of it. Do you love fashion enough to work long hours and have late nights? Do you have tailoring skills or a business partner who can translate your ideas into workable designs? Can you get other people excited about your ideas? If the answer to all these [...]